Writing Post #39

Tonight me and the editor are heading out to have a meeting over dinner. Time to figure out where we are and where we’re going on the current project.

Writing is HARD, if possible, I recommend working with someone when it comes to sussing out ideas and working out details. I’m afraid I’m no good at advice when it comes to finding someone to work with: I lucked out and married my editor. Though I have to assume you can find like-minded folks in writing forums or even fanfiction sites.

I can give some sound advice when it comes to working with someone else: if you’re starting to collaborate: go slow and make sure you’re all aware of what you expect from each other. I do not recommend starting a for-profit endeavor if you’re both new to these kinds of project. Do something with no means to make money off it first. I highly recommend fanfiction, if you’ve got the nerve for it.

Good luck!

Listening to while writing: Sonic OSTs

Writing Post #38

Guess who had a blowout?

I think I need to be a bit more patient with myself and stop pushing for strict goals. Well, learn from my mistakes: don’t push (too hard).

But, I’m back. I’ve decided I’m going to do some world building exercises to get back into the swing of things. The good news is I have my editor at home now, so we can work together.

Anyway, be good to yourselves, folks

Listening to while working: Jerma playing Sekiro in the background

Writing Post #37

Okay. I’ve got a LOT of writing to do to make quota (guess who hasn’t done anything yet this week). I want to get it done tomorrow (hah), so I can actually have a day off before getting back to the major cleaning effort on Saturday (also it’s gonna be 66 degrees!!! I wanna cook something nice).

That means nose to the grindstone/coffee to the face. I’ll let you know how it goes

Listening to while working: Chicago Greatest Hits

Writing Post #36

I did it! I made my quota yesterday. But today I’ve decided to just relax (at least from any writing). Sometimes I need to step away from all creative projects to recharge, and it’s better to take a little break than break yourself.

Listening to while working: nothin’

Writing Post #35

So…. close to hitting quota for the week. Then I can goof around with a fun project until Monday (of course, I’ve got a lot of cleaning to do, but otherwise). I’ve popped one of my precious canned coffees to get this done.

I’ve added an extra facet of giving myself a quickie five minute workout whenever I catch myself slacking. Which… means once I’m done with this post, I’ll be doing one. Such is life.

Listening to while working: what else? More Sonic music

Writing Post #34

Well, I went and did it: I got myself excited for a non-business writing project. That’s never helpful when I have actual work to do.

But! I decided to make the most of it. So I set my timer for 15-30 minutes, hard focus on writing what I’m supposed to, then let myself do some work on the fun one for a bit. So far so good!

I’ve been popping out 5000-8000 words a day this week, which is pretty good. Not sure if I can keep that up, but I’m all for trying while it’s working.

Listening to while working: More Sonic music.

Writing Post #33

I’ve set some aggressive, but doable writing tasks for myself. And… I’ve turned back to drinking coffee while I write. I like to temper how much caffeine I take in (no sense in getting addicted or messing up my sleep schedule if I can help it), but it’s like a magic potion that makes writing happen.

Just a balancing act, like all things in life, I suppose.

Listening to while I work: Various Sonic Music (back on my shit)

Writing Post #32

You’ve got to be kidding. I’m all set, I’m chomping at the bit to get some work done… my hands hurt (I’ve been doing a lot of embroidery and other things that stress out my hands).

I know better than pushing things and just doing this typing is making them stiff… so. I think I’ll just rest them.

UGH, annoying

Life Post #15

Oh my god, I’m still alive.

Had a not-so-great couple of…. months. But! I seem to be coming out of them into nicer times. I hope you all have been having a good summer.

I have not been writing in the time I’ve been gone, but I started again yesterday, so that’s good! I’ll (hopefully) be back to posting on here as I go again.

Also! I started an instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mondaytieger/ I’ll be posting about my journey to clean out my horrible closet and get my things in order as I start the very early prep of moving (which won’t be for a while yet, not even close to looking at places, but the plan is in motion). I’ll also be posting pretty food I’ve made and about what’s distracting me while I write. Come check it out!

Life Post #14

Well June went off the rails just as it started. Though, if I’m going to be honest, I set too harsh a writing schedule for myself. So when things got hectic, I couldn’t maintain my momentum and wound up crashing on writing for a while.

Stinks that I lost half a month, but I’m back and will hopefully getting back to a rhythm soon. Live and learn.